10 Amazing Foods to Improve Overall Skin Health

good food for skin

Hello everybody, My greetings to all the beautiful people out there. I hope you all are doing well. Today I will share some amazing and effective good food for younger-looking and glowing skin. So read the full article to get healthy skin.

You are what you eat. The healthier you eat, the healthier your skin will look. The antioxidants such as beta-carotene, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin A, Resveratrol, Niacinamide, and flavonoids protect your skin cells from damage and gives your skin a younger look. It also prevents you from premature aging. Thus you should eat foods that are high in such antioxidants to keep your skin glowing and free from radicals. So here is a list of such foods that are really good for your skin. Let’s have a look at it. Moreover, You will also get a list of foods to strictly avoid if you want good skin.

home remedies for glowing skin in one day
home remedies for glowing skin in one day

Water:- Water is good for your skin. We get glowing skin by drinking water. Drinking water is the easiest and speediest way to boost your glow and keep skin functioning at its best. How much you need to drink varies depending on the person, but one must drink at least two liters of water. Hence we should drink plenty of water daily. The more water you drink, The more clear skin you will get.

Good Food For Skin

1. Watermelon:- Watermelon contains lots of water. It contains about 92 percent of water. Due to its water content, it helps in making your skin hydrated. Watermelon is full of antioxidants that help in reducing free radicals and slows down the signs of aging.

2.Oats:-  Oats remove dirt and excess oil on your skin. It helps in treating acne. The antioxidants present in oats helps to treat dry skin and remove dead skin cells. Oatmeal also contains compounds like saponins, which are considered natural cleansers.

3. Grapes:- Grapes can help to revitalize your skin. It can even protect your skin from cancer-causing ultraviolet radiation. Two compounds named ellagic acid and resveratrol present in grapes help combat oxidative stress. Another may also aid in maintaining skin cell regeneration.

4.Strawberries:- Being rich in vitamin C, Strawberries can cleanse the skin and keep it healthy. It is acidic in nature which is effective to remove the excess sebum on the skin. It can be used to make excellent face masks to fight oily skin, as well as to nourish and revitalize your skin.  This juice is very effective in skin lightening. Strawberries are full of antioxidants that prevent collagen destruction and thus, help to keep your skin looking younger!

5. Tomatoes:-  Tomatoes contain lycopene, A pigment that’s naturally found in the skin. This antioxidant can offer long-term protection against UV radiation and neutralize harmful free radicals. They reduce the size of skin pores, treat dull skin, and remove dead skin cells.


6. Leafy greens:- Leafy greens such as spinach, Kale, Collard greens, Cabbage, and beet greens are known as the powerhouse of veggies that are filled with carotene compounds lutein and zeaxanthin, Which are integral for protecting and hydrating your skin cells and keeping skin damage at bay.

7.Kiwi:- Kiwi fruit is an excellent anti-aging skincare ingredient. Collagen breaks down as you age and causes wrinkle formation but a Vitamin-C packed kiwi can provide plays a major role in producing collagen and thus, prevents wrinkle formation.

8. Oranges:-  Oranges are well known for their beauty benefits apart from this, Both oranges and their peel are used to make many face packs. Orange is rich in Vitamin C and Citric acid, which is very effective in improving overall skin health. Antioxidants found in oranges are helpful in reducing the formation of wrinkles and stops premature aging.

9.Mangoes:-Mangoes are loaded with beta-carotene which helps your skin repair itself stay smooth and even delay the appearance of wrinkles. They’re packed with Vitamin A, Which protects cells and helps them regenerate. When they are out of season. You can get the same effects from winter squash and sweet potatoes, as well as carrots, Cantaloupe, and apricots.

home remedies for glowing skin in one day

10. Pomegranates:-  Pomegranates contain three types of antioxidants, named Tannins, Ellagic acid, and Anthocyanins, which altogether maintain the health of your skin. It is effective in treating dry as well as oily skin types. It is helpful in curing acne, reducing fine lines and wrinkles, and thus it protects you against premature aging.

Thank you for reading the article. I will be posting more such informative blogs. Do let me know if you have any recommendations or suggestions.

Sources: Healthline


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