Best Foods To Improve Sleep Quality


Are you having trouble getting enough sleep? Don’t worry. This article is here to help you out. In this article, you will get to know about some foods that will help you to get enough sleep and foods to avoid in order to get a proper night’s sleep

Getting quality sleep is very important for your overall health. Quality sleep can lower your risk of severe health problems such as heart disease, diabetes, reduce stress, improve digestion, keep your brain healthy and increase your immunity.

It is normally suggested to get between seven to nine hours of continuous sleep every night. Even so, a lot of people struggle to get adequate sleep.

There are many ways to assist good sleep. Eating a healthy diet is one of them. Some foods contain sleep-promoting properties. Let’s have a  look at some of the foods that help you in getting sound sleep.

1. Almond: Almonds are a great source of Magnesium. It provides 19% of your daily requirements in only 1 ounce. Eating enough amounts of magnesium can improve sleep quality. Especially for those who are having insomnia.

Besides, Almonds have a sleep-supporting amino acid called tryptophan. moreover, almonds with some other nuts are a great source of the sleep-regulating hormone known as melatonin.

Add a handful of nuts or about 1-0unce (28grams) to improve your sleep quality.

2. Banana: Bananas are a rich source of potassium, a mineral that is necessary to deep night’s sleep. Besides they are high in sleep-promoting nutrients such as tryptophan, Vitamin B6, Magnesium, Carbohydrates, etc All of which are associated with improved sleep.

Eating bananas before bed might help in getting good sleep.

3. Kiwi: Eating kiwi before bedtime can make you feel sleepy faster and help you to sleep for a longer period of time. kiwis are high in antioxidants and serotonin, A hormone that helps in sleeping, digestion, and eating.

Eating two kiwis before bed may increase the quality and duration of time taken for sleep.

4.Greek yogurt:- Greek yogurt contains Vitamin B12, Calcium, and protein which helps you in getting restful sleep by increasing melatonin and serotonin levels.

Yogurt is a perfect afternoon or bedtime snack, which you can even combine with other sleep superfoods such as cocoa, fruits, nuts, and seeds.

5.Pumpkin seeds: Pumpkin seeds contain tryptophan, an amino acid that can help you get proper sleep. It also contains magnesium, protein, vitamin E, Manganese, Zinc, and iron. Entirely These nutrients might help you to get good sleep.

Eating pumpkin seeds a few hours before bedtime might help in improving sleep quality.

6.Tomato:- Red tomatoes are high in lycopene, a mineral essential for sleep. They are also a rich source of manganese, Vitamin K, Vitamin C, Potassium, and biotin. So have some tomato juice in the evening to get a sound sleep. But you should not eat tomatoes before bedtime as it may create digestive issues or sleepless nights.

7. Chamomile tea:- Chamomile is packed with full of antioxidants that might help in reducing anxiety and depression, promotes sleep, and increases your immune system. Drinking chamomile tea before bed can improve overall sleep quality

8. Beans:- Beans are a good source of B vitamins or Vitamin B complex like Vitamin b6(Pyridoxine), vitamin b12 (cobalamin), Vitaminb9(folic acid) which have been used for a long time to treat insomnia. They also help in reducing stress and anxiety. Try adding beans to your dinner or bedtime snack to treat insomnia

9. Sweet potatoes:- Sweet potatoes are a rich source of magnesium, calcium, and potassium that promotes proper muscle contraction to keep nighttime leg cramps away. They are also rich in carbohydrates that your brain needs to make serotonin, a brain chemical involved in sleep.

10. Walnuts:- walnuts are very nutritious that provides over 19 vitamins and minerals. They are rich in manganese, phosphorous, magnesium, copper, and healthy fats, including omega-3 fatty acids and linoleic acid. Eating walnuts helps to improve sleep quality as they are high in melatonin, a sleep-regulating hormone. If you have trouble falling asleep, Add some walnuts to your diet.

11.Milk:-Milk contains an amino acid known as sleep-inducing tryptophan. Besides milk is also rich in melatonin, a hormone that promotes a regular sleep cycle. Drinking a  glass of warm milk can help you to get eight hours of undisturbed sleep.

12. Leafy greens:- Leafy greens are good for your overall health including sleep, as they are a rich source of calcium which helps the brain to use tryptophan to produce melatonin. you can eat them in many ways and also add them to your salads too. Eat dark green leafy vegetables spinach, broccoli, etc in the evening to get a good sleep at night.

13.Chickpeas:-Chickpeas contains Vitamin B6, which plays a vital role in helping your body to produce serotonin, the hormone that stabilizes our mood. Try adding chickpeas to your dinner, Eat some homemade hummus as a late-night snack.

14. Grapes:- Grapes are high in melatonin, The chemical that helps to get restful sleep. Include grapes in your diet to improve your sleep quality

15.Tart cherry juice:- Tart cherry juice is a rich source of few important nutrients such as vitamin c, Vitamin A  and Manganese. In addition, it is rich in antioxidants such as anthocyanins and flavonols.

They are also rich in melatonin, which could help you sleep better. Drinking some tart cherry juice before bed can help you fall asleep at night.

Foods to avoid to get better sleep.

Did you know that some foods have a bad impact on your quality of sleep? So you should avoid eating those foods right before bed. Let us know which are those foods.

These include,

  • Spicy foods-Hot peppers
  • Acidic foods-Raw onion, white wine, citrus fruits
  • Foods with high water content–Watermelon, celery, cucumbers
  • Heavy foods-cheeseburgers, fries
  • High sugar-containing foods:-desserts, candy, sugary cereals
  • Foods that cause gas.-cauliflower, brussels sprouts, broccoli

 Spicy food can cause heartburn,

Acidic foods might trigger acid reflux,

Drinking water before bed or eating foods with high water content will keep you awake as you will urge to go to the bathroom.

Heavy meals can lead to indigestion high sugary foods can cause your blood sugar to spike, then crash,

foods that are hard to digest and are high in fiber may cause painful gas. Which can interrupt your sleep so you should avoid consuming these types of food at night.

I hope this article will help you.

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