SKIN & ITS NEW CELL REPRODUCTION PROCESS “You are what you eat”.- Every 35 days your skin replaces itself. your liver about a month. your body makes these new cells from the food you eat what you eat literally becomes...
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Food and Nutrition
INTRODUCTION: Oranges are delicious and healthy. They are a superfood and have many health benefits even orange peels have many health benefits in them. They are found as a staple food in a lot of kitchens. My love for oranges...
Food and Nutrition
Health Benefits of Vitamin C
Vitamin C Is a water-soluble vitamin. Another name for vitamin-c is ascorbic acid. It is also a powerful antioxidant that helps your cells to fight against free radicals caused by UV rays and thus slows down the aging process Benefits...
Food and Nutrition
Easy Tips, Effective Exercises & Food for Weight Loss
-By: Bhavisha Changrani Introduction Before starting this blog, I would like you all to remember and believe this: “You are beautiful & perfect the way you are!” Yes, it’s necessary to love and embrace yourself. The majority of the people...