The tropical fruit guava, which is grown in Venezuela, Mexico, and Colombia, is typically consumed fresh or turned into drinks. Different diseases can also be treated at home using their skin and leaves. Guava is frequently thought to be connected to being cold, and this may be accurate. Also, these fruits have health advantages. Guava is also advantageous for dealing with risky health issues like high blood pressure, diarrhea, diabetes, cough, and other cancers. It is indeed so beneficial for diabetes that it can be incorporated into your diabetes diet plan.
But how does guava manage to do all of this? The fruit of the guava is a good source of vitamin C and contains fibers that function as antioxidants These anti-oxidants have the capability to decrease or prevent the adverse effects of oxidation.
Health Benefits of Guava
Guava enhances your immunity
Guavas, which reportedly contain four times more vitamin C than oranges, are a rich source of the vitamin. Your body is prepared and able to combat common diseases and viruses thanks to vitamin C’s significance in boosting immunity levels. Moreover, higher vitamin C content enhances vision.m
May lower the chance of getting cancer
Lycopene, the antioxidant vitamin C, and other polyphenols fight bacterial and viral infections in the body that prevent the growth of malignant cells by acting as antioxidants. Guava fruit has been discovered to inhibit the growth of breast cancer cells as well as prostate cancer.
Helps in controlling blood sugar levels
Guava’s high glycaemic index and fiber content help reduce the risk of diabetes. If you want to know the GIs of other foods and adjust your diet accordingly, you can consult the Glycemic Index Food Chart. The presence of fiber prevents blood sugar levels from rising too high, and the glycemic index limits how quickly your blood sugar can rise.
Helps in relieving constipation
Guavas have a higher degree of dietary fiber than other fruits, which is great for you. One guava a day has 14% of the daily required fiber intake, which is particularly beneficial for digestive health. It also encourages regular bowel movements. Constipation is therefore less likely.
One of the best methods for treating toothaches
Guava leaves are consumed at home to relieve toothaches because they have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that fight infections and kill germs. It is also claimed that the juice from guava leaves can treat mouth ulcers and inflamed gums.
Guava benefits expectant mothers
Guavas are excellent for expectant mothers since they include folic acid and vitamin B-9, which is advised for women to take because it helps in protecting the newborn from neurological disorders and protects the neural system.
May help to alleviate menstruation pain
Severe cramps are a common sign of the menstrual cycle. According to a study, guava leaf extract may be able to alleviate menstrual pain. This study comprised 197 women who took guava leaf extract (6 mg), and it discovered that it significantly reduced pain and performed better than several medicines!
Guava contains carbohydrates, dietary fiber,, protein, fat, vitamins, and minerals and has numerous health benefits starting boosting immunity, fighting cough and cold, and promoting good eye health to being beneficial for pregnant women. You should eat guava as per the recommended daily allowance and include them in your diet accordingly